Thursday, October 13, 2016

Now that the High Holidays are over - I'm heading to Fresno -

Who wouldn't? 

 Packed in my car are supplies for days - or hours if you are a painter.  Golden paints takes me there.  I'll be doing a workshop and a lecture demo. 
Ah - the pleasure of 
1. talking for two hours about art materials and then 
2. painting with souls that love to paint!

(#1. might be only for people like myself who wake up talking and go to bed talking...)

Now on to Mary. 

I could wait to talk about her, but - as Nike says, just do it.  So my darling Mary G. has left Los Angeles and is now in D.C., but on my most recent trip to Los Angeles, a surprising thrill was that we ended up spending a solid 24 hours together. In her home, with out her things, (they're in D.C.) with 100 degree weather outside.  Just she and I, like when we were teenagers.  Mary and I met in 1972 and fell for one another.  She lived in Washington and I in Oregon and we met in California. 

There was something Tikkun Olam about us. A rejoining. The healing of the world, the putting the pieces back together, finding your twin. I don't remember an exact moment of our meeting, but two curly headed, overly confident, extremely extroverted teenagers, meeting at a Jewish summer camp, found one another and I'm so glad we did.  

I periodically took the greyhound bus to Seattle to stay with her during our high school years. She'd come to Portland and stay with me and now we're driving our own cars and visiting one another some 40 plus years later.  Intersecting sporadically here and there.  The luxury of being uninterrupted in one another's company, I'm still reeling. To me, that is the most valuable activity; time spent in the company of someone I love. 

It was banter, catching up, telling stories, tracing steps, being in one another's sight and then, as I'm putting my toe in Los Angeles, she's flown the coop. 

 Dearest, pick up the phone ...California, calling, long distance. 

                                               some of today's work -  "Yes", again in progress

sleep well - everyone.  Love,  Judy 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

and now here's something I think you'll really enjoy...

Ok - it's been 8 years since I last blogged and now is as good of time as any to start re blogging.  I would like to tell you things that have no place on facebook, nor anywhere other than my mind and your heart.  So here we go.  See below. 

I hosted a lunch here, at the Gloria Delson Gallery, in September.  I love the light and I loved the lunch.  What I want to tell you is that I really love downtown Los Angeles.  It is an amazing time right now in - as they call it DTLA.  There are tons of little tiny places - shops opening up with cool people running the shops and selling their wares.  They can apparently afford to try retail.  That is not possible where I live in Silicon Valley. Here you have to be a millionaire to try retail.  DTLA is a mess of people; rough and homeless to hip and ambitious. 

I stayed in two different airbnb's this last trip. Both were lofts in old industrial office buildings.  It felt very New York, only now - airbnb. 

About the chairs.  I inherited in 1995, from my great aunt Claire, one chair like the ones above.  They are from a company Cosco Canada.  They fold.  They are heavy and they don't stack too well. I bought them on my way to the lunch. I drove from Palo Alto to Los Angeles on Friday.  I stopped two times in LA to pick up 4 and then 3 chairs from Craigslist ads.  You can see the two different models.  One chair has four feet and the other has a folded stand in back and two feet in front.  I'll refer to them as Claire's chairs.  I loved Clair for a lot of reasons.  She was salty and she appreciated crap.  She swore and was always a treat to be around. 

For Claire's chairs 2016 - I went to Topanga and Culver City.  I love buying things from people.  The sellers were both interesting people with stories.  The man in Topanga was selling them for his father.  The fellow in Culver City was a photographer.  He had a career as a photographer and did very well and now can not do that because everyone and her brother takes their own photos with their phone.  We are all designers and marketeers.  (future topic for conversation). 

So Groucho Marx and TS Elliot had a friendship. They wrote letters from America and England.  Finally, they had one meal together in England.  They each tried to impress one another with reciting lines from the other's work.  They were in the sunset of their lives, but were in great admiration of each other's career. 

I hung out with my friend Casey in LA.  We hadn't seen one another for a very long time and it was a pleasure.  Casey is a keen observer of society.  He came to my art exhibition and to the loft airbnb # 1 where I had a stunning after party - complete with a professor of philosophy debating the meaning of life with a radiant young entrepreneur.  I was thrilled and impressed by the whole thing. 

Then Casey helped me relocate to airbnb # 2.  How we find people that travel on the same path as us and transition with us is amazing. 

Thank you Casey.  It was great spending time with you. 

Ok enough for blog, back at it, number one.  

Wrapping it up - I had the most magnificent summer and fall is a quiet continuation.  Quietly I tip tap type (I took my hearing aids out) and send you lots of love. 

Everyone of you. 
